Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Human life is insignificant.

It's amazing to see how intricate human bodies are. Everything that goes on inside of you, your body does itself. You have no control over it, yet it does exactly what it needs to. However, it sucks to realize that we are virtually nothing compared to the rest of the universe. You can look around town and see people you've never seen before, and think nothing of it. The same goes with our planet, but on a HUUUUGERR scale. There are billions apon billions of planets out there. Our one small life among that is incredibly irrelevant. There has to be other life out there. Think, if there's not, that is SOO much wasted space. Full of stars, planets, galaxies, and nothingness. Wasted. I seriously hate thinking of the universe. There is too much to grasp. You can look at pictures from satalights taken lightyears away, but I know I'll never fully understand how much nothingness is really out there. Irrelevence in the universe sucks. Why not make an effort to at least change something in our little world. Maybe someday we will be significant. But our world as whole needs to learn how to communicate with other things that could be out in space (That was nerdy). Or just be able to experience more of it. Welp, goooooood thing I just made myself feel more insignificant. HA. Life sucks. Not my life necessarily , just human life in general.

Hehrooooo nerd status<333

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