Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Got My Hand In My Pocket.

today is one of the worst days ever, for SO many reasons. here, i'm bored:

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People. (but don’t say their name)

10. honestly, there isn't much i don't tell you. anything i'd say on here, i'd say it in person anyways. all in all, you are too kind.
9. i wish you would just leave me alone.
8. where are you in my liiiiffffeeee?!! :(
7. you're not as great as you think. yet, i wouldn't mind seeing more of you.
6. i don't need you right now.
5. there isn't a day that goes by that i don't think of you.
4. i still smile when i see you.
3. you make me incredibly sick. you're the definition of the kind of person i hate.
2. i'm still bitter.
1. you're not as great as you think you are, either. you need to step up.

Nine things about myself.
9. i hate talking about myself.
8. i hate feeling weak.
7. i honestly could care less about most things. just part of my DGAFF lifestyle. :)
6. decisions will be the death of me.
5. i want a lot more than i say.
4. i rarely do my homework, yet still manage good grade (...mostly ;))
3. i have too many aspirations in life. and i can't decide what to do with any of it.
2. having good ideas is not in my genes. i feed off of what other people say/do.
1. i don't have emotions. and when i do, i won't hide them.

Eight ways to win my heart.
8. don't wait on me hand and foot. (but you can still buy me lots of things ;))
7. give me space.
6. play hard to get. if i want you, i'll go after you.
5. do something spontaneous.
4. take me out on fun or just random dates. not boring things.
3. be SMART.
2. enjoy my music.
1. look good. ;)

Seven things that cross my mind a lot.
7. homework/school.
6. where my phone is.
5. getting a job.
4. how life could have been.
3. where my life is going.
2. food.
1. how to live my life to the fullest.

Six things I do before I fall asleep.
6. text.
5. nap.
4. brush my teeth.
3. peeeee.
2. think. actually scratch that. i don't think. or else i can't sleep....
1. text.

Five people who mean a lot.
5. taylor.
4. carly.
3. mom.
2. her.
1. him.

Four things you’re wearing right now.
4. peace ring.
3. greece bracelet.
2. greece soffees.
1. sports bra.

Three bands/singers that you listen to often. (not necessarily your favorites)
3. jason mraz.
2. a fine frenzy.
1. paramore.

Two things you want to do before you die.
2. love someone more than they love me.
1. travel the world with my best friend.

One confession.
1. hmph. i wish i cared more. don't get me wrong, i love doing spontaneous things or just chillin but i need to learn to care about the important things.

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